History of the Faculty


The Faculty Economics and Businessis the product of the merger between the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies and the Sabadell University Business School on the Sabadell Campus. The creation of the Faculty as a single centre was ratified in 2009 by the Department of Innovation, Universities and Business of the Generalitat de Catalalunya in the order of 12 June 2009 – DOGC nº. 5404, 19.06.2009.
The merger carried out in 2009 represented the final stage in a long process in which independently, but in parallel, both institutions had formed synergies as well as consolidating and establishing themselves as higher education centres in Barcelona, Catalonia and Spain.                
Historical  landmarks:

1942: Foundation of the School of Commerce, a centre of education en set up as a trust and made up, among others, of Sabadell City Council, the Banc de Sabadell, the Gremi de Fabricants de Sabadell, the Institut Industrial de Terrassa and the Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Sabadell, and which is to be   the origin of the future University School of Business Studies in Sabadell.

1968: Establishment of the Faculty of Economic Science.

1972: The School of Commerce is registered, as a University School of Business Studies (EUEE), at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Decree nº. 1378 of 10 May 1972) which, together with the old School of Computing with which its shares a headquarters, forms the Sabadell Campus.       

In 1972-1973: The headquarters of the Faculty of Economic Science are located on the Bellaterra Campus.     

1975: The first group of students from the Faculty of Economic Science graduate.      

Between 1992 and 2010: Degrees in Business Administration and Management and Economics are taught at the Faculty of Economic Science.

2001-2002 academic year:  the double degree in Business Administration and Management and Law is added.

2003-2004 academic year: the degree in Market Research and Techniques is added.

2010-11 academic year: the new Faculty of Economics and Business on the Bellaterra Campus offers three university degrees bring together and offer a future vision for the past experience: the degrees in Business Administration and Management, Business Administration and Management and Law and Economics and on the Sabadell Campus the new degrees in Accountancy and Finance and Business and Technology, which represent the culmination of a path that has been constantly aware of the evolution in models of business organisation and the demand for human resources in the  new production sectors.

2011-12 and 2014-15 academic year: English grups in Degree Business Administration and Degree in Economics, respectively, are offered as a further step on internationalization of studies offered by the Faculty.