Ciclo virtual sobre propiedad intelectual

Cicle virtual sobre Propietat Intel·lectual

L'Oficina de Patents Europea organitza un cicle de cinc sessions virtuals sobre la gestió de la propietat intel·lectual. El Parc de Recerca UAB projectarà totes les sessions a la Sala Polivalent de l'Edifici Eureka.

Les sessions estan dirigides a investigadores i empreses i tractaran sobre el desenvolupament d'estratègies de propietat intel·lectual, l'ús de la informació sobre patents per a processos de presa de decisions, la gestió de carteres IP, marques i dissenys, etc.

El tutor de les cinc sessions serà el Sr. Robert Harrison.

Data: Del 14.09.2017 al 28.09.2017
Hora: De 14h a 15h
Lloc: Projecció a la Sala Polivalent de l'Edifici Eureka
Idioma: Anglès
Més informació: Web de l'EPO

14/09/2017 Identifying IP
The first class about IP management includes the creation and identification of innovative ideas which have the potential to become the basis for products and services protected by a whole range of intellectual property rights, including patents, utility models, trade marks, designs and know-how.
19/09/2017 Preparing IP
The second class about IP management will include how to help prepare an invention disclosure, interviewing inventors, identifying use cases for the innovations and how to work with IP professionals, such as European Patent Attorneys.
21/09/2017 Evaluating IP
The third class about IP management involves evaluating the technologies achieved by the implementation of the first pillar.
26/09/2017 Protecting IP
The fourth class about IP management relates to protecting the selected technologies from the third pillar.
28/09/2017 Wrap up with examples
The fifth class about IP management will include monitoring of new IP, updating and condensing/pruning claims illustrated by examples. This will be the final opportunity to deal with any open questions that participants might have.

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