The 10th Exchange Photography Contest

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UAB's Community Dynamization Unit's has launched the 10th Exchange Photography Contest. The competition is aimed at students who have participated in any of academic mobility programs during the last 3 academic years. Participants can send a maximum of 2 photos until Wednesday, April 11th 2018.


The 10th Exchange Photography Contest is an initiative promoted by the UAB Community Dynamization Unit to use personal experiences of former academic mobility students to encourage future participation in these programs.

The contest is intended for students who participated in any academic mobility program, are/were UAB students or international students in temporary stays at our university, enrolled in at least one of the following academic years: 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018.

Photographs must show aspects realted to the learning experience during the stay abroad. The deadline for the submissions is Wednesday, April 11th 2018. Starting the following day, all shots will be posted on UAB's Community Dynamization Unit's Facebook page to allow public voting.

How can I participate?

Each student can submit a maximum 2 photographs to:, in .jpg or .png format with optimal resolution to be displayed on screen. Submissions must also include the following information: name and surname, NIU, faculty, a nickname for the author, a title and a brief description of the photograph.

The jury, formed by 2 members of the UAB's Community Dynamization Unit and 3 participants in the Mentor's program, will decide the winning photograph. The announcement of the winning photograph will be on the Abril 23rd at Fira de Sant Jordi and also published in the Unit's website as well. The winner will receive an instant camera.

The following link contains the competition bases and the website for the Community Dynamization Unit, where the winning photographs during the 2017 contest are displayed.