University Master's Degree in Management of Human Resources in Organisations

In an increasingly globalised society, in which innovation and the ability to adapt to change are key aptitudes, fostering learnability is essential to future professional success

Teaching staff Official Master's Degree in Management of Human Resources in Organisations

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 30th of September to the 4th of October: Registration is open!

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Course coordinator

Jesus Rojas Arredondo


Beatriz San Román Sobrino



List of teachers

Teacher Area Category Research
Garcia Segura, Marta Dret del Treball i de la Seguretat Social Professor/a Substitut/a
Teacher Area Category Research
Alonso Baranguan, Alegría Psicologia Social Professor/a Associat/ada Laboral Research
Carracedo Gil, Irene Psicologia Social Professor/a Associat/ada Laboral
Díaz Cortinas, Rafael Psicologia Social Professor/a Associat/ada Laboral Research
Diez Piñol, Miriam Psicologia Social Professor/a Associat/ada Laboral Research
Domenech Argemi, Miquel Psicologia Social Prof Titulars d'Universitat Research
Fernandez Llano, Cesar Luis Psicologia Social Professor/a Associat/ada Laboral Research
Menoyo Vilalta, David Psicologia Social Professor/a Associat/ada Laboral Research
Pallares Parejo, Susana Psicologia Social Prof Titulars d'Universitat Research
Pellicer Cardona, Isabel Psicologia Social Professor/a Associat/ada Laboral Research
Poyato Nunez, Carles Psicologia Social Professor/a Associat/ada Laboral Research
Rojas Arredondo, Jesús Psicologia Social Professor/a Associat/ada Laboral Research
San Roman Sobrino, Maria Beatriz Psicologia Social Agregat/ada Contractat/ada Doctor/a Research
Selva Olid, Clara Psicologia Social Col·laborador/a Docent-Professor/a Uoc
Serrano Gonzalez, Sergi Psicologia Social Professor/a Associat/ada Laboral Research
Teacher Area Category Research
Rodriguez Soler, Juan Sociologia Professor/a Associat/ada Laboral Research

Teaching staff

As well as the teaching staff of the Department of Social Psychology, Sociology and Law, this master's degree is taught by Human Resources professionals working in various national and international companies.