Official Master's Degree in AIDS Pathogenesis and Treatment


Access to this master's degree is open to holders of an official bachelor's degree from a Spanish university or from another higher education institution within or outside the European Higher Education Area, provided this gives access to postgraduate studies in the country of issue.

Admission requirements

Entrance requirements are as follows:

  • An official degree in Biomedical Sciences: Biology, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Veterinary Science, Medicine, or equivalent.
  • Proof of knowing English and/or Spanish, if this is not the student's firsl language, with the EUROPASS "Language Passport", which can be obtained easily and at no cost by using an online self-assessment tool, available at the following address:

Selection criteria

Should the number of applicants be higher than that of places on offer, these will be allocated according to the following criteria:
  • Academic transcript - 70%
  • Motivation letter - 20%
  • English or Spanish level of B3 of the Council of Europe's Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) - 10%

Candidates will be interviewed personally if this is deemed necessary byt the master's coordinators.