New course to help researchers prepare Horizon 2020 collaborative proposals

The UAB, AGAUR, ACUP and UOC jointly organise a course on “Strategy and RDI project planning” to help researchers improve their knowledge and skills in preparing collaborative proposals within the Horizon 2020 programme.


With the academic direction of the UAB and a joint organisation by AGAUR, ACUP and UOC, those interested can now register for the new course in “Strategy and RDI project planning”. The course is open to 25 junior and senior researchers from any of the universities in Catalonia and aims to help them improve their skills and knowledge in preparing a collaborative proposal within the framework of the European research programme Horizon 2020.

The course is structured into 10 face-to-face sessions which will begin on 2 October and end on 4 December. The sessions will take place on Mondays from 4 to 8 p.m. at the UAB Graduate School. All sessions will be in English. Thanks to an online platform, the face-to-face sessions will be complemented with practical cases.

The course will consist in four modules which will explore the following aspects in depth: To acknowledge EU RDI policies&funding; To develop a competitive proposal;  To plan a RDI projectiTo align your research strategy. Course attendants will also have the option of spending a few days in Brussels to learn about the most important European institutions, such as the European Parliament and the European Commission.

Further information:
Course in Strategy and RDI Project Planning