Campus activities of the Faculty of Law

Imatge del Campus de la UAB

We inform you about the new "campus activities" organized by the Faculty of Law. These are activities of a cultural, participatory or complementary nature to the academic ones (talks, conferences, lectures, round tables, special institutional proceedings, etc.).


This is an initiative that began in the 2018-2019 academic year, at the proposal of the UAB Governing Team and with the consensus of the faculties. During this time slot, teaching is suspended to make it easier for faculties and student groups to organize non-academic activities, and thus take more advantage of the concentration of diverse knowledge that takes place at the University, especially after the disappearance of the old campus subjects with the Bologna plan. It is also intended to encourage the organization of activities and at the same time facilitate the relationship between the student body of the UAB. The planned activities are the following:

"Legal terminology. The use of Criminal justice language". Prof. Anna Meléndez. Faculty of Law. March 13, from 13:00 to 15:00. Classroom 8

Part 1. General terms where Criminal law and procedural justice. Activity 1: The impact of criminal memories. A cv analysis.

Part 2. Terminology about punishment. Activity 2: Let's talk about penalties: aims and limits. A debate.

"Legal terminology. The use of legal terms in real case scenarios". Prof. Cristina Blasi. Faculty of Law, UAB. May 10, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 pm. Classroom 8

Part 1 (1 hour): General legal terms and definitions. Activity 1: Interview about a legal case.

Part 2 (1 hour): Legal terms and definitions used in a court procedure. Activity 2: Moot court.


"Round Table: The Alves case under debate". March 13, from 13:00 to 15:00 h.  Aula Magna

The sentence of the Criminal Chamber of the Provincial Court of Barcelona, which recently convicted the soccer player Dani Alves for sexual assault, will be discussed.

Professors Mercedes García Arán, María José Rodríguez Puerta, Elena Garrido Gaitán and Joan Baucells Lladós will participate.