Activities for women on the occasion of International Women's Day

Banner Activitats Dia de la Dona, grup de noies vestides per fer esport

To celebrate March 8, within this program Las Mujeres Nos Movemos, there are activities planned, both sports and fitness or body and mind. The sports activities are focused on regulated sports and workshops have been focused with the idea that they are very varied and diverse activities.

All activities have FREE REGISTRATION.


Join the Lliga de Campiones and represent one of the faculties in individual and team sports together with other colleagues passionate about the same sport, from March 4th to 8th. And if you don't have a team, you will be part of your faculty team! And if you are already a team or a playing couple and you want to participate together, you can do it too*.

You will also be able to sign up for a variety of workshops from March 6th to 13th and for the Soccer 7-a-side sports activity for the Campus Days on March 13th.

We encourage you to come to these activities with a commemorative International Women's Day T-shirt!

Actividades Juegos Deportivos UAB - 1ª semana 2023

Caption: Leyenda de actividades

If you are a woman and you are part of the University Community you can REGISTER FOR FREE in any activity (if you are from a center attached to the UAB you will have to write an email to, saying what you want to participate in, because you do not have NIU and it is a prerequisite to fill out the registration form).

*To participate in the LLIGA DE CAMPIONES in team or couple sports (soccer 7, basketball 3x3, paddle or volleyball) it will be necessary to register individually, choosing a faculty to represent:

  • If you do not have a team, we will sign you up with your faculty.
  • If you are already a team or a playing couple, you will all have to choose the same faculty when you register individually and designate a delegate to inform who is part of the team in your registration form.

For paddle and badminton sports activities it will be necessary to bring your own paddle or racket. The rest of the sports materials will be provided by the organization.

In case of rain, outdoor activities will be cancelled.