Official master's degrees

List of official master's degree of the Faculty of Biosciences, indicating type of master's degree, places available and modality
Name Type Places Modality
Advanced Biotechnology UAB University Master's Degree 25 places Classroom-based learning
Advanced Genetics UAB University Master's Degree 25 places Classroom-based learning
Applied Microbiology UAB University Master's Degree 25 places Classroom-based learning
Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biomedicine UAB University Master's Degree 40 places Classroom-based learning
Bioinformatics UAB University Master's Degree 26 places Classroom-based learning
Cytogenetics and Reproductive Biology UAB University Master's Degree 25 places Classroom-based learning
Neurosciences UAB University Master's Degree 40 places Classroom-based learning
Plant Biology, Genomics and Biotechnology Inter-University 25 places

Classroom-based learning

Plant Biology, Genomics and Biotechnology Inter-University 25 places Classroom-based learning
Terrestrial Ecology and Biodiversity Management UAB University Master's Degree 30 places Classroom-based learning