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Last call to register for the UAB's Open Days 2024!

Estudiants al campus UAB

The Open Days at the UAB campus will take place in person on 7 and 8 February, and online on 9 February.


Remember that to be able to participate in the UAB Open Days, you need to register individualy first!

The UAB will be offering nearly 400 talks during the three days of its Open Days. At each faculty, you will be able to learn firsthand about the academic programmes we have at the UAB and speak with faculty members from the degrees offered at all campus centres, including those of affiliated centers.

In addition, you will have the opportunity to meet other students who will share their university experiences during these talks.

On 7 and 8 February, you are invited to take a stroll around the campus and discover the services we offer, such as the Vila Universitària, libraries, cafeterias and restaurants.

To attend the Open Days, it is essential that each person interested in attending registers beforehand. This will help us adjust the capacity of the spaces for each talk and keep you informed about all updates.

In the 2023 edition of the UAB Open Days, we exceeded expectations and achieved record numbers, with over 26,750 registrations. Capacities are limited, and if you are interested, we recommend registering early.

If you are a secondary school teacher, you have the opportunity to register for the presentation talk for teachers which will take place on 7 and 8 February at 10 a.m. in the Auditorium of the Rectorat building.

You can obtain more information on our website. Visit the UAB to see all the activities we offer to get to know the academic programmes and services offered at the UAB.

Any questions? Write to us at