University Master's Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology

Are you interested in sociocultural diversity, interuniversity mobility and international training in anthropology within the EU context? Then the CREOLE master's degree is for you!

Teaching staff Official Master's Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology

UAB's Virtual Fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhD Programmes

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 27th to the 1st of May: Registration is open!

You can also send the form on this page to request personalized attention.

Course coordinator

Silvia Gomez Mestres

Teaching staff

The teaching and research staff of this master's degree is from the UAB Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology and its research groups, and from other institutions in Spain, Europe and North and South America. This staff also includes professionals from institutions with which the department has signed agreements for placements in the specialisation Social Intervention.


Ábel Beremenyi (UAB) Lucía San Juan (UAB)
Aurora González (UAB) Montserrat Clua (UAB)
Adriana Kaplan (UAB) Miranda Lubbers (UAB)
Anna Piella (UAB) María Valdés (UAB)
Beatriz Ballestín (UAB) Montserrat Ventura (UAB)
William Christian (F – Estados Unidos) Pablo Domínguez (ICTA-UAB)
Carles Feixa (UdL) Pepi Soto (UAB)
Diana Marre (UAB) Silvia Álvarez (UAB)
Dan Rodríguez (UAB) Silvia Carrasco (UAB)
Hugo Valenzuela (UAB) Teresa Tapada (UAB)
Jordi Grau (UAB) Virginia Fons (UAB)
Josep Lluís Mateo (UAB) Verena Stolcke (UAB)
José Luis Molina (UAB) Sílvia Gómez Mestres (UAB)

Please consult the website of the department for the profiles of the lecturer.