Exhibition "¡Welcome, Mr. Palomares!" at the Communication Library and Newspaper Archives

Poster amb foto de Fraga banyant-se a Palomares

An exhibition by Adrián Camarós to document how the government silenced the nuclear accident in Palomares (Almeria) in January 1966


The Communication Library and Newspaper Archives holds the exhibition “Welcome, Mr. Palomares! Phenomenological and phylogenetic x-rays of Spanish nuclearization. Chronicle on the whitening of nuclear fetishism", by Adrián Camarós.

This exhibition focuses on the communication of the history of science, in the form of a "Gedanke Ausstellung" (exhibition system in which the conceptual content prevails over its plastic presentation), on some of the elements that made up the narrative official history of the Palomares accident, focusing on what, through conceptual mechanisms and communicative devices, tried to adapt reality to certain political interests.


Through the Palomares collection, of the environmental activist Jordi Bigues –an archive donated to the UAB Institute of History of Science in 2016 and of which the Science and Technology Library is the depositary–, we build an exhibition on the forms in which the nuclear sector communicates and disseminates in society, science and technology.

The material collected by Bigues is used to document the deliberate control strategies that were applied to the history of Palomares, silencing its victims, aggravating the consequences, distorting the facts and, above all, reinforcing and legitimizing the power structures that caused the accident.

This is the second edition of the exhibition: the first edition premiered at the Science and Technology Library in June 2023. The design and assembly by the then Master’s student Adrián Camarós was part of the Official Master's Degree in History of Science: Science, History and Society and was directed and supervised by Montserrat Monge, BCT librarian, and Dr. Jaume Sastre-Juan (IHC).

Visit the exhibition on the ground floor of the Communication Library and General Newspaper Archives during November and December 2023.


Credits and Acknowledgments:

This news adapts the original news published by the Science and Technology Library on the occasion of the first edition of the exhibition.

The Communication Library and General Newspaper Archives wishes to thank the selfless collaboration of Adrián Camarós, the Institute of History of Science, the Science and Technology Library, the Department of Physics and Cultura en Viu.

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