We firmly believe in synergies as an opportunity to:
- Coordinate actions and make resources more profitable.
- Share learning and enhance ourselves through diversity.
- Give more effective responses to complex realities.
- Have greater capacity for political advocacy and awareness-raising.
- Municipal Advisory Council of Universities (Camu) - Barcelona City Council
- The Internationalisation and Cooperation Committee (CICUE, in Catalan), pertaining to CRUE (The Spanish Rectors’ Conference)
- The ACUP Committee of University Cooperation for Development (ACUP: Catalan Association of Public Universities)
- The Disability Committee, Cerdanyola del Vallès Town Council
- The UNIDISCAT Committee, Catalan Interuniversity Council
- The First of December Committee
- The Catalan Foundations Coordinator
- The Universia Foundation
- The Social-Participation Bureau
- CRM Synergy
- The Associative and Volunteering Network
- The Service Networks for Attention to People with Disabilities (SAPDU in Catalan), pertaining to the University Network for Student Affairs (RUNAE in Catalan).