News archive

Excel·lència Docent

Call for teaching innovation support 2024

The call is aimed at giving support to the development of teaching and innovation research proposals that are interdisciplinary and cross-curricular with impact on student learning and that are transferable to the university community. Applications can be presented from 22 April to 22 May 2024.

Recerca al laboratori. Imaatge: Istockphoto

Two European partnerships on animal health and welfare and medical solutions to CBRN threats, with the participation of the UAB

Researchers from four health science departments of the UAB are part of two recently launched partnership projects, promoted by the European Union through the Horizon Europe Programme and the European Defence Fund. On the one hand, EUPAHW, which aims to promote research in animal health and welfare and collaboration with other agents of society from the perspectives of one health and one welfare. On the other hand, RESILIENCE, which will research and develop new medical solutions against potential chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threats.

Campus de Bellaterra

Services on campus from 3 to 6 April

As in recent years, all centres of the UAB's Bellaterra Campus will be closed during the Spring Break, from 3 to 6 April 2023. Only certain services will be operating on campus.


campus de la UAB

New UAB "campus activities" to be held on 13 March

On 13 March, from 1 to 3 p.m., a new edition of "campus activities" will take place, organised by UAB faculties and school. These activities are cultural, participative and complementary to academic subjects (talks, seminars, conferences, debates, institutional events, etc.).


Seventh edition of the "Thesis in 4 minutes" to be held on 7 May

The UAB will be holding a new edition of its "Thesis in 4 minutes" competition, in which PhD students are asked to explain their research in a maximum of four minutes. Candidates may submit their applications from 4 to 20 March, and the competition will take place in front of a jury on 7 May.

campus de la UAB

New UAB "campus activities" to be held on 15 February

On 15 February, from 2 to 5 p.m., a new edition of "campus activities" will take place, organised by UAB faculties and school. These activities are cultural, participative and complementary to academic subjects (talks, seminars, conferences, debates, institutional events, etc.).