The School

Up to €600 available to study languages

Imatge Notícia Pala 3

You can now study languages at the UAB for only €233, or even for free. Take advantage of the last few days of enrolment!


A call for grants is now open for grant-holding university students who want to study languages at university.

The Generalitat de Catalunya offers you a grant of up to €600 to study English, German, French or Italian at levels A2 or B1 or sub-levels B2.1 and B2.2 in the 2022/23 academic year. If you are enrolled at the UAB and were awarded a general grant for post-compulsory studies (from the Spanish Ministry) or the Equitat grant (from the Catalan Generalitat) for the 2021/22 academic year, you can apply—for exemple—for English B2 for €233 or prepare for B2 (English) or French A2 at no cost (you only pay administrative fees).

How to Apply

1. Consult the available courses at the UAB: English (A2 to B2.2), German (A2 and B1), French (A2 to B2.2), and Italian (A2), and exam-preparation courses (English).

Ensure which level you are able to take: you must have an official certificate for the previous level issued within the last two years, or you can take a free level test with us.

2. Come to the Language Service and register in person. At this point, you will pay a €40 fee only and, once you have been awarded the grant, you can then pay the remaining sum.

3. Fill out the online application for the grant within a maximum of 72 hours and send us the receipt to As the subject, please indicate "I have applied for a Parla3 grant".

Second grant-application period: from 1 to 31 January 2023.

4. Consult the decision on the awarding of the grant in the second half of November. Once you receive the grant, we will notify you so that you can come and pay for the course. In case the cost of the course you have chosen is higher than €600, you will only have to pay the difference between the grant awarded and the cost of the course.

Any questions? Please let us know and we’ll get back to you directly. Please note that the Language Service will be closed between 23 December 2022 and 8 January 2023. On 9 January 2023 we will be back to our normal routine.

Information on the call for applications may be consulted through this link (Catalan/Spanish only).


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