Which sections should have the project

On the cover of each copy, you must specify: 

  • Title and subtitle (if any). If the work has subtitle, it is recommended to separate it from the title with a colon.
  • Author: Full name 
  • Tutor (if you have): Tutor’s full name
  • Degree
  • Teaching Centre/Institute
  • Delivery date

In case of works with more than one volume, clearly indicate the volume number.
If it includes annexes, point them out and number them if there are more than one.

Abstract and keyworks
They have to be in the same language of the document and, if appropriate, include translation in English or other languages.

      Resumen / Abstract 

  • Explain the content and nature of the work concisely.
  • Usually between 200-500 words.


  • They go together with the abstract. It’s suggested to put minimum 3 and maximum 10.

Text where the help received from the tutor, collaborators, organizations, etc., is acknowledged.
It could be additionally included more personal acknowledgment.

Table of contents 

  • It is a list with the work contents. It includes all the parts and chapters in order of appearance with the pagination.
  • If there are two or more volumes, you must include the ratio of all volumes and table of contents for each volume.
  • If illustrations and numbered tables are included, we can choose to make a separate table of contents.

Present the reason, the aim, the methodology and the work hypothesis.

Body of work 

  • It’s the essential part of the work, which explain the research carried out.
  • Organise it in chapters, sections and subsections.
  • It finishes with a chapter of conclusions.


  • It is the ordered list of the consulted documents to elaborate the work which have been cited or not throughout your work. There are different citation styles. You can find which is the most suitable for your work in the site How to cite and create your bibliography.
  • The use of a reference manager will make your work easier; UAB and the rest of public Catalan universities make available for free the reference manager Mendeley Institutional.