Saturday, July 6 2024
Dia · Setmana
First edition of the UAB & UB Med Summer School
On 5 and 6 July, the UAB Casa Convalescència will play host to the first edition of the UAB & UB Med Summer School, which will bring together students in their third to sixth year of Medicine. Participants will include students from the UB and the UAB, two of Catalonia's leading institutions in health care studies who in September 2023 signed a collaboration agreement to train future professionals of this field.
Place: UAB Casa Convalescència, Barcelona (Carrer Sant Antoni Maria Claret 171)
Date: Saturday 6, July2024 - 09:30h
Thursday, July 11, 2024
Argó Awards ceremony for upper vocational training projects
The UAB Institute for Education Science offers the Argó Awards with the aim of giving recognition to the efforts of students and strengthening the bond with secondary education centres. On 27 June at 4 p.m., an awards ceremony will be held for upper secondary school projects; and on 11 July, also at 4 p.m., an awards ceremony will be held for the projects of students from higher vocational training courses. Both events will take place at the conference hall of the Rectorat building.
Place: Rectorat building (conference hall)
Date: Thursday 11, July2024 - 16:00h
Online FGM training for the social and educational sectors
Training in how to approach, prevent and care for cases related to Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in the social, health and educational areas. Training addressed to the social and educational sectors.
With Nogay Ndiaye and Fina Cachina.
Free online activity via Teams.
Place: Online event
Date: Thursday 11, July2024 - 17:00h
End date: Thursday 11, July2024 - 20:00h
Friday, July 12, 2024
End of the first session of the UAB Barcelona Summer School
The UAB Vice-Rector for International Relations and Language Policy, Laura Santamaría, and the academic coordinator of the UAB Barcelona Summer School, Graham Mortyn, will participate in the closing ceremony of the first round of the UAB Barcelona Summer School, which began on 25 June and ends on 12 July. The closing session will take place on Friday 12 July at 12 noon in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. Over the initial three weeks of this ninth edition, more than 320 people from 58 different nationalities have enjoyed the 13 courses offered on campus during the first period, in addition to a full programme of social activities.
For more information please visit: UAB Barcelona Summer School
Place: Auditorium. Faculty of Philosophy and Arts
Date: Friday 12, July2024 - 12:00h
End date: Friday 12, July2024 - 14:00h
Mathematics and crystallography... a domestic partnership
Joan F. Piniella, lecturer in the Department of Geology at the UAB, will offer a seminar on the relation between mathematics and crystallography, entitled Les matemàtiques i la cristal·lografia... una parella de fet. The seminar will take place on 12 July at 12 noon at the Aula A1 of the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM), located in the Faculty of Science. It will also be streamed online through the Microsoft Teams platform. The event is organised by the UAB Service for Applied Statistics and the Statistical Modeling of Extreme Events and Health Risks project.
Place: Centre for Research into Mathematic (CRM), Aula A1
Date: Friday 12, July2024 - 12:00h
Closing of the UAB Barcelona Summer School's first session
Laura Santamaria, vice-rector for International Relations and Language Policy at the UAB, and Graham Mortyn, academic coordinator of the UAB Barcelona Summer School, will participate in the closing event of the UAB Barcelona Summer School's first session, which began on 25 June.
This is the summer school's ninth edition. During these three weeks, over 320 people from 58 different nationalities were able to enjoy from a list of 13 courses offered on campus.
In addition to classes, students were able to enjoy a social programme full of cultural and sports activities.
Place: UAB Auditorium, Faculty of Arts & Humanities
Date: Friday 12, July2024 - 12:00h