Digital identity

Digital identity (ID) is the identity of a person on the Internet. It includes our data and everything that is published about us in the online environment (comments, photos, likes, tweets, etc). This information contributes to the way others see us on the internet. 


How to create an ID

In the world of research a digital identity is mainly created from digital identifiers and author profiles.

1. Digital Identifier
Author identification systems allow author identity management avoiding the ambiguity of personal names and providing a permanent and unique code. Information can be found in Identifiers.
It is also important to choose a professional name and always sign in the same way to facilitate a good recovery of research output and greater visibility.

2. Author profile
It is an academic profile that shows author relevant information related to  professional and research career: name, affiliation, contact information, publications, lines of research, etc. You can find information on how to create an author profile on social networks.


Scientific reputation is essential for researchers, contributing to their progress and recognition. Research output quality and measuring an author’s impact is done with indicators that universities and other agencies use to evaluate and fund research. Number of citations received by publications is one of these indicators and others are author citations. These indices can increase thanks to a good dissemination.
The creation of a digital identity is a previous step for a good visibility of the academic work undertaken by researchers. Only a correct assignation of research enables the collection of all the author’s publications, projects and findings, and therefore their metrics.
Active management of digital identity and a good dissemination of one’s own research increases its impact facilitating collaboration with other researchers and the development of possible collaborative research grants.


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