Specialisation in Web Design

Train as a professional web designer. Discover the creative potential of online projects and hone your skills in a sector with great professional demand

UAB's virtual fair for Master's Degrees, Graduate Courses and PhDs

Informative sessions with directors and coordinators. From the 30th of September to the 4th of October: Registration is open!

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  • UAB Specialisation Diploma
  • Code: 2431/16
  • 16th edition
  • Modality: Onsite
  • Credits: 30 ECTS
  • Start date: 10/02/2025
  • Finish date: 12/06/2025
  • Places: 24
  • Orientation: Professional
  • Price: 4500 €
  • Special price 2250 €
    Group of application:
    Special price 4050 €
    Group of application:
  • Teaching language: Spanish (90%), Catalan (10%)
  • Location: EINA, University School of Design and Art of Barcelona (associate centre)

The Graduate Diploma in Web Design at EINA covers the specifics of design applied to webpages in all its aspects: from web project strategies and management, analysis and planning of the user experience, adaptation of graphic design to the online world and the use of web design tools and languages. 

The programme provides knowledge of basic programming, creation with content managers and search engine positioning, and covers a more experimental facet with the creation of advanced projects with a high audiovisual and interactive component, storytelling and work with motion graphics.

The graduate diploma in Web Design is included in the Master’s Degree in Graphic Design at EINA and is aimed at people with previous knowledge of other areas of graphic and digital design as well as those who can demonstrate professional practical experience. 

This programme is taught by professional experts in the sector bringing a broad view of the area of graphic design, such as Rubén Alcaraz, Diego Fernández, Anna Fuster, Daniel Julià, Arnau Lacambra, Joan Ribas, Mireia Ribera and Núria Saban.

Career opportunities

- Graphic communication and visual identity for companies, institutions and products.
- Art direction in areas such as advertising or photography, among others.
- Editorial design and layout.
- Creative direction.
- Management and production of graphic design processes.
- Graphic design applied to space.
- Graphic design applied to the object (packaging).
- Design of graphical user interfaces.
- Web design and layout.
- Design of the user experience.
- Creation of experimental and narrative projects on the web.
- Creation of motion graphics.


Scholarships and financial aid

Chek all the information on the possibilities for grants and scholarships in the page for UAB financial aids, grants and calls.

Coordinating centres

EINA, Centro Universitario de Diseño y Arte de Barcelona


Carla Bufí Pozo

Phone: 932030923

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