Specialisation in Design of Graphic Elements

Specialise in the area of graphic design and visual communication and learn all about the design of graphic elements and the management of graphic projects

Apply for admission to the programme

The admission process serves to ensure that all students meet the programme's requirements and thus guarantee an optimal work environment during the course. To apply for admission, you must follow apply.

Location for the Application

EINA, University School of Design and Art of Barcelona (associate centre)

Access requirements

To be admitted to the graduate programme and obtain the graduate certificate, you must hold a university qualification and have earned at least 180 ECTS credits.

Selection criteria

-Candidates will be selected based on the documents provided and on any prior experience you may have in the field of graphic design or other similar fields. The level of experience will be assessed through the presentation of your curriculum vitae and a Book/Portfolio.

-If you have earned a certificate from an advanced vocational training course, there is no need for you to present any document accrediting your certificate.

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