Business annual reports

Col·leccions Especials
Social Sciences Library

Description of the collection:

The collection of annual reports is part of the Social Sciences Library and is made up of about 1000 periodicals, which are reports or reports that summarize the main data of the internal activity of an entity throughout the year corresponding

This collection began as of 1980. First there was a previous selection of the companies that could be of interest to our researchers for later studies. The main objective was to preserve this internal documentation that only the same companies kept while they existed. The incorporation of new titles has always been made by donation from the companies that sent us their documentation.

Initially the fund was all in paper support and later incorporated electronic media (especially CD-ROM) in PDF format (Adobe Acrobat). And now the publication of this information on the Internet has led us to create a collection of annual reports on our DDD digital repository.

In addition to annual general reports, the business reports collection also includes annual reports of sustainability, corporate social responsibility, environmental and related issues.

Type of documents:

According to the entity that produces and simultaneously publishes the memory, it can group the documents into three types:

    Annual reports of Spanish and international companies
    Annual reports of Spanish and international banking entities (banks and savings banks)
    Annual reports of Spanish Chambers of Commerce

Deadlines for the collection: approximately from 1960 to the present day

Date of incorporation of the collection: from 1980 to the present

Depositary Library: Social Sciences Library

Where to check the documentation:

  • Collection on paper and digital CD-ROM support: Magazine room. Floor 0. Building B (Library of Social Sciences).
  • And another part in paper support at the Deposit of the Social Sciences Library (Plant -3). You must request the document from the application form for deposit documents and pick it up at the loan desk for floor 0.
  • Digital collection: DDD
  • UAB Catalog


The documents in this collection are subject to the current legislation on intellectual property. The consultation or reproduction of the documents does not presuppose the obtaining of any right referring to the intellectual property of the content of the documents. Any use contrary to the legislation that regulates it and to the rights that it generates will be the responsibility of the user.
