Enric Lluch Collection

Fons Personal
Humanities Library

Enric Lluch i Martín (Barcelona, 1928 – Barcelona, 2012), geographer and professor.

Graduated in history in 1956 from the University of Barcelona, where he took up a job as geography assistant teacher in 1961, but was left out in 1966 as a result of his participation in the anti-Franco student movement. In 1969 he started working for the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, where he founded the Department of Geography. He has been Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, coordinator of the Humanities Library and delegate of the Rector in the Faculty of Communication Studies.

His interest in teaching and pedagogical renovation in Catalonia made him one of the founding members of the Rosa Sensat Teacher-training College. Promoter also, with Max Cahner, of the Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana.

In 2000 he participated in the writing of the Pla Roca where a new model of territorial organization of Catalonia was proposed.

Member of the Institute of Catalan Studies, the Catalan Society for Territorial Planning and the Catalan Society of Geography. He participated in the organization of the Congress of Catalan Culture (1975-77).

He has received the Ramon Fuster Prize, the Award of the Col·legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciats en Filosofia i Lletres (1985), and the Jaume Vicens Vives Award (2000) in recognition of his teaching and research work.

The collection was donated by the heirs of Enric Lluch to the Universitat Autònoma de  Barcelona, being deposited in the Humanities Library. The collection is being cataloged thanks to the collaboration between the Library and the Department of Geography.

Description of the collection: The collection is made up of his personal and professional documentation. It consists basically of manuscripts  of his own work, correspondence, professional and familiar documentation, library and newspaper archive.

The Humanities Library is working on the processing of this material, which will be available once it is classified.

Limit dates: 1779-2009

Date of incorporation: 2013

Depository library: Humanities Library

Where to consult the documentation: www.bib.uab.cat/human/fonspersonals/lluch/

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