
Philosophy databases

International bibliographic database with articles from journals and books. Maintained by philosophers of several universities. It is free access.

PhilArchive is the largest open access e-print archive in philosophy. It is built on and integrated with the PhilPapers database.

Collection of preprints on Philosophy of Science. Library
The largest online digital library on applied ethics and theology for free.

Portal of the CSIC that collects and disseminates mainly research articles published in Spanish scientific journals. It includes the old ISOC database, specialized in Humanities and Social Sciences.

Humanities Full text
Bibliographic database that collects citations of articles published in specialized journals in the humanities. Access to full-text articles published as of January 1995.

Oxford Scholarship Online
Online service that allows the search and search of the entire text of about one thousand two hundred books from the Oxford publishing house in the areas of economics and finance, philosophy, political science, and religion. Summaries are summarized and keywords are given to describe the content of books and each chapter of each book. There are about two hundred books a year in the database.

ProQuest Central
We highlight the database: Arts & Humanities Database (subject Philosophy)