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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Departamento de Filosofía

Lógicas no clásicas


This group is believed to have started around 1975 as a small group of researchers in algebraic logic. Later on the group grew in size and its scope extended to the study of a large number of non-classical logics with a variety of techniques, as well as the study of general theories of the algebraization of logic, a topic now called abstract algebraic logic. Presently it gathers (most of) the scholars working in these topics in the Barcelona area (plus some in more distant locations).

We have a particularly close relationship with the Research Group in Approximate Reasoning and Soft Computing of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA-CSIC), located in Bellaterra, near Barcelona. We also collaborate with other researchers around the world.

Since 1986 we have received sustained funding from the government of Spain to undertake several research projects. Moreover, we have been certified by the government of Catalonia as one of the quality research groups, since the creation of this category in 1995 in the framework of its Research Plans up to now, and accordingly we have obtained additional funding. Some of the younger members hold research fellowships from either government.

The members of the group belong to one of the following institutions:

Besides doing research, most of us teach at the following institutions, to which their departments and institutes are linked:

At the postgraduate level, the group is one of the organizers of the Master in Pure and Applied Logic, which offers a study programme in Logic allowing a specialization in the research topics of the group. Several of the members of the group teach at this Master, and some teach also at the Master in Artificial Intelligence and at the Master in Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence.

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