The UAB makes available to the groups a guide to address gender violence

Guía d'actuació davant el sexisme i les violències de gènere als col·lectius de la UAB
This 2017-2018 academic year the action guide to sexism and gender violence in the UAB collectives prepared by the Observatory for Equality is launched.


The UAB through the Observatory for Equality and with the collaboration of Dinamització Comunitària has made available to the groups a guide to prevent and act against sexist situations and gender violence that occur in their organizations. In addition, one of the objectives of this guide is to offer the necessary tools so that the different entities of the university can incorporate the gender perspective in their daily activity. With this purpose, the guide will have to be adapted and approved by each group.
The Observatory for Community Equality and Promotion provides support and advice in the process of the collectives to adapt the guide to their realities and approve it. This process includes the realization of a gender self-diagnosis of each group, training in gender perspective in charge of the Observatory and the accompaniment in the modification and adaptation of the guide.
Last week began the first edition of the guide where three entities participate: Ganàpies, Centaures and Joves Juristes. On April 27 will be the deadline to present the guide adapted to the social reality of each group and on May 25 the Observatory for Equality and Dinamització Comunitària will make the return of the guide proposal to each validated entity.