History of Science collection

Col·leccions Especials
Science and Technology Library

Section of the Science and Technology Library specialized in the historical study of sciences, especially from the 17th century onwards. The collection -composed by a set of more than 6000 monographs and 113 magazines in paper format and 4696 monographs and 53 magazines in microform format- has been promoted by the Institut for the History of Science and contains many original sources, including the following:

Limit dates:  S. XVII-S. XXI
Date of incorporation : the initial collection was  transferred from Borja Center in 1992
Depository Library: Science and Technology Library
Where to consult the documentation: Science and Technology Library and Communication Library
Rights: The user agrees to use this documentation only for research purposes, to cite the source, and to deliver to the Library any work resulting from the research. The access or the reproduction of the documents does not presuppose any right regarding the intellectual property of the content of the documents. Any use contrary to the legislation that regulates it and the rights it generates will be responsibility of the user.

Spaces for Experimentation: Lab chemicals through history
Charles Darwin 200 years
The legacy of the Hubble telescope
Chernobyl 20 years later
Science through its instruments