Aeronautical Management

Collection on Aeronautical Management

Physical documents on Aeronautical Management (paper books and journals, CDs and DVDs) are placed in the Sabadell University Library, on the UAB Sabadell Campus. 

Although the studies of the Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Aeronautical Management include subjects related to law, computer science, logistics..., the core of the collection is made up of documents on Air Transport. The books about this subject can be found in topographic 656.7 and its derivatives (656.7:33 for  the economics of air transport, or 656.71 for documents about airports, for example).  

Paper journals are placed on the top floor of the Library.
There you will find: Air Traffic Management

Besides, our library has documents on other subjects needed for Aeronautical Management students, such as law (shelfmarks beginning with 34), computer science (681.3) and others.

Regarding dictionaries, you can find them with the number 38:656. You can also search into our search tool by the subject “Aeronàutica – Diccionaris”.

We recommend you two of these dictionaries:

Finally, remember that from the search tool of the UAB libraries you can consult the UAB Digital Library with access to electronic resources on aeronautical management.